Tessa’s Exceptional Journey: Defying the Odds with a Smile

Meet Tessa Evans, an extraordinary little girl hailing from Co Derry, who has been defying the odds since the day she was born without a nose. Tessa is one of only 47 reported cases of this incredibly rare facial anomaly known as arhinia, a condition doctors estimate occurs in just one out of every 500 million births.

Just three months ago, Tessa underwent a groundbreaking surgery to fit a 3D nasal implant, marking another milestone in her remarkable journey. Her proud mother, Grainne, who, along with her husband Nathan, is also raising three other children, Cathal, Cassie, and Naoise, says that Tessa’s indomitable spirit is a true source of inspiration.

Tessa’s journey began in the neonatal intensive care unit, where she spent the first five weeks of her life. At just eight days old, she underwent a life-changing surgery, receiving a second airway through a tracheostomy tube to enable safe eating and sleeping. While doctors initially advised that Tessa would need to be exclusively tube-fed, Grainne refused to accept this prognosis. After eight weeks, Tessa defied the odds yet again, beginning to breastfeed.

When Tessa was seven months old, Grainne and Nathan consulted with a cranio-facial plastic surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London to determine the best course of action for their daughter’s future. They opted for a 3D cosmetic nasal implant, which Tessa received at the age of two.

The two-hour procedure, performed by surgeon Jonathan Britto, involved placing a tiny mold under her skin to create a nose profile. Throughout this journey, the family received support from the Sick Children’s Trust, which provided accommodations for Nathan at Rainbow House, one of the charity’s “homes from home.”

Tessa had her implant replaced in September 2017, and once again, Grainne availed of the charity’s services during their time in London. Tessa will require further surgeries as she grows, but for now, this resilient and happy young girl continues to inspire everyone around her.

Grainne expresses her gratitude for the emotional journey they have undertaken and acknowledges that it is far from over. However, she finds comfort in knowing that she will always be by Tessa’s side, supporting her every step of the way. Tessa’s remarkable story is a testament to the power of love, perseverance, and the strength of the human spirit.

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