mom captures everyday life with her baby triplet

These photos of the triplets are the sweetest thing you’ll be today.
Triplet births are less common than twin births. According to statistical data, the chances of getting pregnant with triplets are 1 in 1,000, a percentage that has increased in recent decades thanks to assisted reproduction methods. According to 2011 research in the United States, 35% of twin births and 78% of triplet births are stopped at IVF, while when conception occurs naturally, the chances of conception would be 1. at 6400.
Julia gave birth to her daughter’s triplets last September and posted the first photo of her shortly after giving birth.
Her online friends exceed 40 thousand, and each of her posts accumulates thousands of likes. The girls usually wear the same clothes and pose for the camera with a smile. The older they get, the more expressive and communicative they become.
Check out even more photos Julia has posted to her Instagram in the gallery below.

The three sisters besse on the ground.

Mom and daughters in a wonderful photo.

The three girls are playing on the floor of the house.

a family photo

The triplets were visted to match…

…. Or not.

His photos on Instagram accumulate thousands of likes and have their own audience.

Julia often posts pictures of them…

… and the older the girls get, the more expressive they become

The triplets in floral pants and orange sweater.

Outwardly, the three sisters look like three drops of water.

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